A 56-year-old man heard the doorbell ringing at his home just before 1 p.m. When the homeowner failed to recognize the man outside his door, he ignored it. A few moments later, the suspect threw an object through a glass front door and entered the home. The homeowner responded to the sound and the two men struggled. The homeowner pulled out his handgun and fired twice, striking the intruder in the shoulder. A delivery truck driver saw the scuffle from outside, heard the shots and made the initial 9-1-1 call. The intruder was arrested after receiving medical treatment, and it was reported that he was expected to be charged with first-degree burglary. (The Issaquah Press, Issaquah, WA, 5/8/13)
Three burglary suspects were stopped when a gun-packing homeowner confronted and held them until police arrived. The three were apparently attempting to steal tools and each were arrested and charged with three counts of third-degree burglary, three counts of unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle, possession of burglary tools and one count of second-degree criminal trespassing. The intruders told the police first that they had permission by someone to be on the property, and once that alibi was shot down that they were attempting to return the homeowner's donkey by coaxing it back inside the fence with a cracker. Also another false alibi, the trio was then booked into the Jefferson County Jail and each is being held on a $36,000 bond. (TheBlaze.com, 8/23/13)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
October 1976: Awakened by the sounds of glass breaking in his sister's Cedar Rapids, Iowa, home, Harry Nobel got a .22 revolver and investigated. Entering the dining room, he met a ski-masked burglar carrying a flashlight. Noble fired one shot. That sent the intruder fleeing. (The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa)