A man returned to his Los Angeles, Calif., home around 7:30 p.m. the evening of Nov. 4, and was about to unlock his front door when two men jumped over a short wall by his driveway. One man ran up behind the homeowner and shoved his gun at him, but the homeowner immediately responded, dropping his keys and slamming his cup of hot tea in the assailant’s face, then drawing his own gun and firing several shots. He then moved out of his front-door corridor to use his vehicle as concealment. The assailants returned fire as they fled. The homeowner told reporters his wife, their five-month-old baby, a friend and the family’s nanny were inside during the attack; no injuries were reported. In later reports, the homeowner implored their district attorney to “stop ‘picking the wrong people to go after’ and to charge the criminals.” (ktla.com, Los Angeles, Calif., 11/6/23; foxnews.com, Los Angeles, Calif., 11/12/23)
A homeowner in Bismarck, N.D., was awoken at 3 a.m. on Oct. 6 by loud noises coming from a child’s unoccupied room. When he went to investigate, he reportedly discovered a naked man throwing toys and clothes around. The homeowner yelled for his wife to call police, retrieved his gun and held the intruder at gunpoint until help arrived. The intruder, who had apparently entered through an unlocked back door and seemed intoxicated, told the homeowner he was there for his clothes. He was to be charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor counts of criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. (bismarcktribune.com, Bismarck, N.D., 10/6/23)