The Armed Citizen® May 20, 2022

posted on May 20, 2022
The Armed Citizen

A man in Blacksburg, S.C., was at home with his mother the night of Feb. 2 when a 29-year-old intruder burst through the home’s front door and began assaulting him with a blunt object. During the struggle, the man was fortunately able to reach his firearm and shoot his attacker once in the chest. The wounded assailant then left in a vehicle that had been waiting nearby and was taken to a hospital, where he later died from his wounds. The homeowner was also taken to the hospital for his injuries and was later released. (, Spartanburg, S.C., 2/2/22 and, Greenville, S.C., 2/2/22)

On Saturday, Feb. 5, a person in Snellville, Ga., called police to say they had found a person lying dead in the street. Investigating officials were able to determine that the person had been shot after allegedly initiating an assault on a person in a parked vehicle. According to reports, a man was sitting alone in his car in a parking lot when he was approached by the other man who was armed and began assaulting him. The individual sitting in the car was also armed, however, and was able to defend himself, shooting the attacker. As of press time, no charges had been filed in the investigation. Officers noted that Georgia is a stand-your-ground state and allows for the use of force, including deadly force, in self-defense. (, Monroe, Ga., 2/6/22)


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