The owners of the Sea Bears Fish House in Ogden, Utah, tout their fish and chips, wear kilts—and openly carry firearms. Tony and Monika Siebers, as well as their two older children, put on the attire and holsters as a display of Scottish customs and American liberties.
Tony sums it up to Fox News, “We’re big supporters of open carry and the Second Amendment.” He added that customer feedback has been upbeat, and the conversations lively: “We have like-minded people who really support the Second Amendment.”
The Siebers’ decision to carry was made about a year ago, as the family counted money and restocked after closing. Then while waiting for concealed permits, Monika, Tony’s wife, started to openly carry. Tony says no family member has ever had to use their firearm, and they have no problems with customers who also carry. “When law-abiding citizens carry, it protects all of us.”