Wayne LaPierre Will Fight Back At CPAC

posted on February 20, 2017

NRATV has released a new video ahead of NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s CPAC appearance. The speech, slated for Friday, is the start of the NRA’s fight against the anti-Trump agitation, riots, insurrection and violence by left-wing extremists and their instigators in Hollywood and the media.

“Already, the forces that conspired to keep Donald Trump out of the White House are coming together to sabotage his administration,” LaPierre says in his commentary. “Donald Trump will need every ounce of energy we can muster, and he has no more powerful ally than the NRA.”

The video’s threatening remarks from Van Jones, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Moore, Ashley Judd and Madonna, along with footage of left-wing extremists beating Trump supporters, attacking law enforcement and setting riotous fires, shapes the beginning of the NRA’s hard fight against the anti-Trump agitation, riots, insurrection and violence inflamed by the liberal media and their Hollywood counterparts.

The juxtaposition of LaPierre’s comments with this footage draws a clear line and sends an unmistakable message: They started a war. We will fight back. Wayne LaPierre will lead the fight.

Wayne LaPierre’s speech will air live on Friday at 1 p.m. ET on NRATV.com.






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