Phil Bredesen’s Team Thinks Voters are “Ignorant”

posted on October 16, 2018

It should come as no surprise to learn that politicians lie, but Phil Bredesen’s staff members have owned up to the fact that their candidate has gotten caught trying to hoodwink Tennessee voters in a big way, all in the name of political expediency.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas Action last week released a video showing the slap in the face to registered voters. An undercover “journalist” met with some of Bredesen’s staff members and talked about the candidate’s view on Brett Kavanaugh. Bredesen’s campaign had mentioned during a stump event that if the Democrat Senate candidate were a senator, he would have voted to confirm Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice.

Under the guise of disbelief, the Project Veritas agent said, “I can’t believe that he would actually vote yes.” Bredesen’s sponsor replied, “He wouldn’t. But he’s saying he would.” And it wasn’t just one staffer that acknowledged the strategic lying.

Bredesen is in a tight race against Republican Marsha Blackburn. He was down 8 points recently, and after polls showed how many Tennesseans wanted to see Kavanaugh confirmed, Bredesen released an ad saying he would have voted for Kavanaugh. That bald-faced lie closed the gap in early polling soon after the ad aired.

How much of a farce is the statement. Well, the ad even caught the staffers who had been going door to door by surprise, so much so that office staffers had a tough time explaining it. But the staff members in the know realized why Bredesen did what he did. They go so far as to admit that the purpose of the strategy is to sway moderate Republicans to vote for Bredesen. But, make no mistake, if Bredesen is elected, he will—in the words of his own staffers—be a good Democrat.

Asked if Bredesen made the move simply because he thinks the voters of Tennessee are that “ignorant,” a staffer said, “Yeah.”

And if there’s any doubt where he stands on the Second Amendment, look no further than the fact that he just went to New York City to participate in a fundraising event with none other than chief gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg.

It’s also worth noting that Bredesen also lied about his NRA grade. The candidate says the NRA has given him an “A” rating, but it’s really a “D.”

It’s time for voters in the Volunteer State to let Bredesen and his staffers know they’re not so ignorant that they can’t recognize a political ploy when they see one. The best way to send that message is to go to the polls Nov. 6 and vote for Blackburn.


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