On Guns, Joe Biden Is Full Of It

posted on May 2, 2020

Presumptive Democratic 2020 presidential nominee Joe Biden is not one for clarity, tact or a firm grasp of the facts. However, even an American public that has long been aware of his shortcomings was taken aback in early March when the former vice president launched an unhinged attack on a pro-Second Amendment autoworker.

The verbal dispute occurred as Biden toured a Fiat Chrysler plant in Michigan as the state was holding its primary. As Biden made his rounds, autoworker Jerry Wayne went up to the presidential candidate and asked him about his position on the Second Amendment. Speaking with Fox News’ Fox & Friends the following day, Wayne explained that he “asked [Biden] how he wanted to get the vote of the working man when a lot of us, we wield arms. We bear arms and we like to do that. And if he wants to give us work and take our guns, I don’t see how he is going to get the same vote.”

Wayne told Biden, “You’re actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take our guns,” to which a visibly agitated Biden responded, “You’re full of **it.” Following Biden’s use of profanity, a female Biden staffer attempted to quell the confrontation. Biden responded by shushing the assistant.

Biden then claimed that he supports the Second Amendment—providing as evidence his ownership of 12- and 20-gauge shotguns. An angry Biden then professed, “I’m not taking your gun away” and denied ever having said he would take guns away. Wayne responded that there was a video of Biden expressing his desire to take guns, to which the candidate responded with a denial.

At that point Biden thought it appropriate to point a finger in Wayne’s face and clarify that he was going to “take your AR-14s away.” The befuddled politician presumably was referring to America’s most popular rifle, the AR-15. When Wayne protested Biden pointing a finger in his face, a now irate Biden challenged the autoworker to a fight, replying, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with your a**.”

Demonstrating a firmer grasp on U.S. civics than the Syracuse Law graduate*, Wayne responded to the unhinged “public servant” by saying, “You’re working for me, man.” Continuing his profanity-laced tirade, Biden responded with, “I’m not working for you. Don’t be such a horse’s a**.”

Confused, Biden then appeared to conflate commonly owned semi-automatic rifles with machine guns. Wayne was then forced to explain to the former vice president the difference between semi-automatic and automatic firearms. An addled Biden then shouted, “Do you need 100 rounds? Do you need 100 rounds?” before wandering off.

Describing the interaction on Fox News, Wayne recalled that Biden “kind of just went off the deep end.”

That is an understatement.

Biden continues to boast about his role as lead sponsor on the Senate crime bill that contained 1994 Clinton ban on commonly owned semi-automatic firearms and magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds.

At present, Biden’s campaign website touts his plan for a more restrictive ban on commonly owned semi-automatic firearms and magazines. Further, while attending a private $500-per-person fundraiser in November, Biden revealed his intent to ban 9 mm pistols. According to an article from the Seattle Times, while at the soiree, the 77-year-old asked attendees, “Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9 mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?”

As with so many anti-gun politicians, when Biden claims to support the Second Amendment, he is not being honest.

At a campaign rally in Dallas on the Monday before the Super Tuesday primaries, failed U.S. senate and presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke endorsed Biden for president. Sharing the stage with his former rival, Biden stated, “I want to make something clear. I’m going to guarantee you this is not the last you’ll see of this guy.” Biden went on say, “You’re going to take care of the gun problem with me. You’re going to be the one who leads this effort. I’m counting on ya.”

By offering Beto a role on guns in a potential future administration, Biden has made clear that he supports Beto’s gun-control position. That position is gun confiscation.

During the Sept. 12, 2019 Democratic debate, Beto O’Rourke was asked about his proposal to confiscate commonly owned semi-automatic firearms. Beto responded in part by saying, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15.”

Moreover, Biden himself has stated that he intends to take firearms. Biden had the following exchange with CNN’s Anderson Cooper when asked about firearm confiscation during an Aug. 5, 2019 interview.

Cooper: “So, to gun owners out there who say well a Biden administration means they are going to come for my guns.”

Biden:” Bingo! You’re right if you have an assault weapon.”

Biden must think he can get away with lying to Second Amendment-supporting working people. In the friendly confines of a CNN interview, Biden was more than happy to admit his gun-confiscation plans. However, put him in front of a group of workers and he tries to hide his radical anti-gun agenda.

Thanks to autoworker Jerry Wayne, Biden wasn’t able to get away with it this time. Wayne was correct to ask Biden about his history of attacking the Second Amendment and support for firearms confiscation. Biden, on the other hand, was full of it. 


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