Trump: The Second Amendment Will Be “Gone” if Biden Elected President

posted on September 10, 2020

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

President Donald Trump remarked that a Joe Biden presidency would mark an end for your Second Amendment rights. He said this at an event in Jupiter, Fla., on Tuesday.

“We’ll uphold your right to hunt, and we will protect your right to keep and bear arms—your Second Amendment,” said President Trump. “If Joe Biden gets in, your Second Amendment is gone. It’s gone—either obliterated to a point of being gone or gone itself.” 

Joe Biden clearly supports some of the most anti-freedom proposals ever placed on an official platform by a major party’s nominee for president. His anti-gun wish list includes bans on the most-popular firearms and magazines, gun registration, licensing schemes and much more. When Trump said Biden would either obliterate the Second Amendment or render it functionally ineffective, he is clearly just pointing to Biden’s official record.

Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, has also made her stances on the Second Amendment clear. Like Biden, she supports a long list of gun-control measures, but she didn’t stop there. 

While running for the very nomination Biden secured, Harris said that if Congress did not pass her desired anti-Second Amendment legislation within her first 100 days in office, she would take executive action to make it happen. She even advocated for the confiscation of firearms, which she euphemistically referred to as a mandatory “buyback”; a position Biden has also said he supports while campaigning.

Meanwhile, Biden said Beto O’Rourke would help him “take care of the gun problem.” O’Rourke, another failed presidential candidate, said “Hell, yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” at a primary debate last fall. 

President Trump, meanwhile, has remained steadfast in his defense of our rights. “And the pressure put on me in the last four years to make massive changes to the Second Amendment, which would have really rendered it worthless….” Trump said if he is reelected, “Your Second Amendment will remain powerful, will remain strong, will remain with you.”

Trump’s comments come as Americans are choosing to arm themselves in record-setting numbers. Whether it is due to uncertainty or the potential of a Biden presidency, given what Biden would do with your rights if elected, it is clear that the Second Amendment is being exercised now more than ever.

Such is why the NRA-PVF endorsed President Trump for reelection.


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