Biden’s Said What?

posted on February 8, 2022
Gage Skidmore courtesy Flickr

President Joe Biden (D) recently had some interesting things to say about some of the most-popular handguns in the nation, the Second Amendment, and more at a recent press conference.

For starters, Biden called the Glock, which is one of the most-popular handguns sold today, a “weapon of war.” He did so while referencing the murders of two police officers allegedly shot by a man who possessed a stolen Glock handgun.

He wasn’t done, though. He said he does not “see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second amendment rights to deny that.” Later in in his remarks, he repeated, “This doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment right. There’s no violation of a Second Amendment right.”

An attempt to ban commonly owned pistols would clearly violate our constitutional rights, but, nevertheless, Biden doesn’t think so.

“We talk like there’s no amendment that’s absolute. When the amendment was passed, it didn’t say anybody can own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon. You couldn’t buy a cannon in – when the – this – this amendment was passed,” he continued. 

It’s troubling enough that Biden believes the Second Amendment doesn’t mean what it says, but this is hardly the first time he’s trotted out this odd line about cannons. We have reported previously that this claim is actually untrue. “The evidence is clear that ordinary citizens could and did buy cannons; in fact, many Americans own cannons today,” we reported while citing ads from the Founding period.

And just as Biden peddled that falsehood, he made sure to run through his laundry list of anti-gun wishes. “Congress needs to do its part, too; pass universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, close loopholes … repeal the liability shield for gun manufacturers... .”

We’ve broken down these lies time and again, and Second Amendment supporters know well that firearms manufacturers do not have a liability shield—we’ve written extensively about that, too, including how Biden has repeatedly repeated this lie. He even said it was the “one thing” he’d ask God for.

One thing is certain, Biden and his administration will continue to lie about your rights. It’s up to NRA members and Second Amendment-supporting Americans to counter these falsehoods with hard facts to make sure this dishonest narrative doesn’t spread.


Doug Hamlin, Executive Vice President & CEO
Doug Hamlin, Executive Vice President & CEO

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