The Armed Citizen® September 6, 2024

posted on September 6, 2024
The Armed Citizen

A food-delivery driver exiting a Mexican restaurant on June 18 in Memphis, Tenn., reportedly saw a man near his red van pull out a gun and fire toward him, whereupon he returned fire. Officers found a suspect inside the restaurant with at least three gunshot wounds in his left leg, whom witnesses say had initiated the shooting, though this man told officers that unknown assailants had chased him and shot at him for no reason. The suspect and one woman who had been injured by flying glass were taken to the hospital and were in non-critical condition. (, Memphis, Tenn., 6/19/24)

In Spring, Texas, on the morning of June 22, a homeowner called police to report that he’d shot an intruder in his home who’d “rushed” him. Though the homeowner attempted lifesaving measures after the incident, the home invader still died at the scene. The investigation was ongoing. (, The Woodlands, Texas, 6/22/24)

On the morning of July 12, a woman in her vehicle in Cincinnati, Ohio, was reportedly attacked by two other women armed with rocks. The woman defended herself by shooting the alleged assailants. The suspects were both transported to the hospital, one with life-threatening injuries. The victim’s vehicle had flat tires, and her back and side windows were broken. Police were still investigating the incident at the time of reporting. (, Cincinnati, Ohio, 7/12/24)


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