Withheld Interview Exposes Depths of Biden’s Anti-Gun Plans

posted on February 12, 2021
Gage Skidmore courtesy Flickr

The Las Vegas Sun recently published a year-old interview with then-presidential candidate Joe Biden under the rationale that “the interview was worth publishing to give readers a better idea of where Biden will lead the country.”

It stands to reason that giving the American people this information prior to an election would have given them more of an idea of where this particular candidate stands on an important constitutional right.

In the interview, Biden said that “public sentiment for [gun control] is growing and support for the NRA is weakening.” In reality, Americans purchased firearms in record numbers last year.

“An overwhelming majority of NRA members thought we should do away with assault weapons,” said Biden.

In response, the NRA Institute for Legislative Action said, “Of course, only NRA knows who are its members, so only NRA is capable of gauging what its members do and do not support. Biden’s claim, quite simply, is just his personal fantasy, based on nothing more than what he would like people to believe.”

Immediately following his comment on what he believes are the views of NRA members, Biden expressed further interest in banning any magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds; of course, this is an arbitrary number designed to make even the most-common magazines illegal.

He then went on to further outline his fantasy of making “smart guns” the only firearms Americans can legally own. “I also dealt with the folks in Silicon Valley; we have the capacity now to build any weapon where it can only be fired with your biometric marker,” said Biden.

As reported previously at America’s 1st Freedom, Biden isn’t interested in whether or not “smart guns” are real; instead, he simply blames the NRA for their lack of availability and blatantly ignores that, outside of Hollywood films, this technology does not exist.

Biden also revealed just exactly how he intends to pass every piece of anti-gun legislation imaginable.

“I am absolutely convinced I can get [gun-control legislation] passed. The way we did it last time is we included it in a larger bill,” said Biden.

So he intends to bury it in a larger, omnibus-style bill in an attempt to force the hands of legislators who would otherwise be opposed to voting for it. Biden doesn’t stop there; he also incorrectly said, “[T]he gun industry is the only outfit in America exempt from being sued. The only one.”

That is a lie.

Firearms manufacturers, like any other industry, can be sued if a product is defective. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) simply prevents these manufacturers from being sued for the criminal misuse of their products. Biden isn’t concerned with the truth, however, and America’s 1st Freedom has reported on his clear intentions to repeal the PLCAA, as this threat was plainly stated on his own campaign website.

It’s widely known that Biden sees the Second Amendment as an unwanted obstacle to his gun-control schemes, but deciding to withhold this information from the voting public before an election can only be described as downright egregious.


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