Don’t miss one of the most politically significant and popular events in the country!
NRA Institute for Legislative Action’s annual Leadership Forum is the hottest political event of the year. Sponsored by Townhall Media/Bearing Arms, it features remarks on today’s Second Amendment issues by the nation's top leaders in government, media and the entertainment industry. The event is scheduled for Friday, April 28, during the NRA Annual Meetings in Atlanta, Ga.
Confirmed speakers include NRA leaders such as Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox, as well as many distinguished Second Amendment supporters like Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Benghazi survivor Mark Geist and many more!
Last year, members who attended this session were a part of history when Cox announced NRA’s endorsement of Donald Trump for president. Don’t miss out on what surprises the 2017 Leadership Forum might hold.
Buy your tickets here.