Huffington Post Spouts VPC Lies

posted on September 24, 2016

In a totally ridiculous feature story titled “The Idea That Women Use Guns For Self-Defense Against Men Is A Big Lie,” the Huffington Post reiterated an oft-repeated lie commonly told by gun-ban advocates and other gun-haters.

The feature focused on a so-called “study” by the virulently anti-gun Violence Policy Center that concluded, “For women, guns are not used to save lives, but take them.” The feature even claimed that during 2014 “there were only 15 instances of women using firearms to kill a man in self-defense.” 

Of course, most defensive firearm uses don’t result in anyone dying, and in many instances no shots are even fired. And to say that women don’t use guns for self-defense is a bunch of bunk. At A1F Daily, we post an Armed Citizen story each day, and typically have several to choose from. Here are 10 women we have reported on in just the past month or so that VPC and the Huffington Post would apparently consider to be “liars,” since they used guns to save lives: 

Woman Shoots Three Home Invaders
Armed Florida Woman Stops Apartment Break-In
Pastor’s Wife Shoots Robbery Suspect
Home Intruder Stopped In His Tracks
Armed Home Invader Shot In Florida
Georgia Woman Kills Man Attacking Daughter
Missouri Woman Shoots, Kills Suspected Burglar In Her Home
Carjacking Thwarted By Armed Would-Be Victim
Armed Woman Stops Robbery At Arizona Convenience Store
Convicted Felon Killed After Forcing Entry Into Ex-Girlfriend’s Home


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