NOIR: Season 4 Episode 4

posted on October 20, 2015

The latest episode from NOIR Season 4 features the marvelous magic of “Colion the Incredible” and takes a level-headed look at how ordinary people crunch the numbers on how likely they are to need a gun. You also might see Colion getting drawn back into the tactical training world at the hands of longtime friend LaSorte. We went to Colion with some questions we had after watching. 

A1F Daily: What went into shooting the “Colion the Incredible” sketch? 

Colion Noir: A lot of patience. This was one of those shoots where the little things took up most of the time. Also, I am not a very good magician, and I am even worse at acting like one. Somehow we lost the pants that came with the costume, so I did the whole sketch in a pair of Lululemon Seawall track pants. We filmed in a theater in Dallas that dates back to the time of segregation. The idea that there was a time when I wouldn’t have been allowed to sit in the front row, much less be on the stage, was fascinating to the history buff part of my personality. The other side of me wanted to sit in every seat in the front, screaming, “Take that, and that, and that, and this!” 

A1F: The mentality that you keep encountering in this episode—that most people are banking on the fact that they probably won’t ever have to defend themselves—why do you think that is so prevalent with guns in particular? As opposed to, say, people still buying homeowners insurance even though they know their house is unlikely to burn down? 

CN: Because owning a gun comes with responsibility. You have to clean it, keep it away from kids, learn to shoot it, buy bullets, etc. With things like homeowners insurance, you just roll it into your monthly note and call it a day. Also, to some people, the gun is a constant mental and physical reminder of their mortality, which they’d rather not have to be reminded of so consistently. 

A1F: For readers who are just now joining us on Season 4, where is it that you’re doing all of your shooting? And how brutal is it to be out there during the Texas summer?​ 

CN: The shooting we do on the show is split between two ranges. The first one is the dedicated range that 5 Toes Custom has, and the other is Extreme Tactics and Training Solutions. I have nothing but good things to say about both of these places. … I lie. Filming in the middle of summer at either of these locations was dreadful. I love shooting and always will, but that totally sucked. 

The new episode is available on NRA News. To watch it in its entirety, go here.


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