NOIR: Season 4 Episode 5

posted on October 27, 2015

On the fifth episode of NOIR Season 4, Colion Noir weighs in on the importance of education—and how the anti-gun media plays on the ignorance and fear of millions who have never picked up a firearm. We get some background on his first time holding a gun, along with a surprising range visit by one of his fiercest rhetorical opponents. Colion gave us some background on the events of this episode.

A1F Daily: You talk in the intro about how kids are educated in school about sex and drugs, but not about guns. What do you think we can do to change that? 

Colion Noir: Just to keep it simple, I think we should approach firearms education the same way we approach sexual education. There are 300 million guns in this country; it only makes sense to teach kids about an item that is so prevalent. 

A1F: It was great to see Ossa and hear about your first time shooting. Where did you go your first time, and what did you shoot? 

CN: Top Gun in Houston, Texas. We shot his Taurus Millennium in .40 S&W.  

A1F: What was it like taking Ja-Mes to the range for her first shooting experience? Have your conversations with her been any different since?​ 

CN: Let's just say Ja-Mes is the same person no matter where she goes, which is something I respect about her. Have our conversations been different? Yes they have—but you’ll have to be patient. That’s something I’ll reveal on a later date. 

The new episode is available on NRA News. To watch it in its entirety, go here.


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